Software Development: From Beginner to Pro
Learn Angular Development: From Beginner to Pro
Welcome to the ultimate Angular development course! This course is designed to take you from a beginner to a professional Angular developer.
Course Overview
In this course, you will learn:
- The fundamentals of Angular
- Building and deploying Angular applications
- Advanced Angular concepts and best practices
Course Modules
Introduction to Angular
- What is Angular?
- Setting up your development environment
- Creating your first Angular application
Components and Templates
- Understanding components
- Working with templates
- Data binding and event handling
Services and Dependency Injection
- Creating and using services
- Dependency injection in Angular
Routing and Navigation
- Setting up routing
- Navigating between views
- Route guards and lazy loading
Forms and Validation
- Template-driven forms
- Reactive forms
- Form validation
HTTP Client and APIs
- Making HTTP requests
- Handling API responses
- Error handling
State Management
- Managing state with NgRx
- Using Redux patterns in Angular
Testing Angular Applications
- Unit testing with Jasmine and Karma
- End-to-end testing with Protractor
Enroll Now
Happy coding!
For more tutorials and resources, visit New Era of Coding.